Feb 29, 2008


so on march 21st im putting everything i own in my car and driving to the tetons, denver, kansas city, and eventually home. i hope i dont get robbed and my crappy car makes it. im gonna spend some time at home and then im getting a plane to slovakia to see zuz and her fam. i dont know how long im gonna be in europe yet.. but maybe the whole summer or something. i need to learn more slovak :D. im gonna document my entire adventure and stuff so the blogs gonna be updated a lot and stuff.
if anyone wants to buy a decent sized tv (like 24" i think) for $30 let me know. it works perf and everything.
im also selling my guitar. its a black gretsch electromatic. the input is kinda jank but everything works. $100 OBO
im also giving away lots of clothes so hit me up. its all small stuff so no fatties :P

Feb 3, 2008

moonwalker madness!!

late night snowboard/ dancing sesh with wil :D